Mental Health Awareness Week - What can employers do to support their employees?
This week marks Mental Health Awareness Week, bringing with it an opportunity for people to come together to show their support and raise awareness of mental health in the workplace.
With over half of all working days lost to stress, anxiety and depression, it's about time employers paid attention to the mental health of their employees in the workplace.
If there was a way to help your employees cope with the personal and professional challenges they may be facing would you ensure your employees had access to it?
Employee Assistance Programmes provides your employees with a reliable way to gain access to counselling services, further assistance and information on a wide variety of issues, such as workplace stress, bullying and smoking, 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
A greater understanding of organisational responsibility, has led to a growing prevalence of comprehensive stress and wellbeing management strategies within organisations. In turn this has led to a rapidly increasing need for specialist Employee Assistance Programmes.
Organisations are also recognising the commercial impact of Employee Assistance Programmes. By reducing the impact of personal issues that an employee may encounter such as stress, bereavement or debt you can substantially reduce the negative impact of such issues on their productivity, efficiency and overall behaviour at work.
By helping your workforce to effectively manage personal and professional challenges you are;
Recognising the need to support the interests of your company and your employees.
Reducing the time employees may take off work.
Helps maintain workplace effectiveness, productivity and morale.
Giving reassurance, peace of mind and support when your employees need it most.
Due to its popularity in helping the workforce, Employee Assistance Programmes are now included as standard in many Private Medical Insurance plans, and can be an added extra on a Health Cash Plan.
Have you got anything in place for when your employees may need that little extra advice or support? Contact us at Excellect to find out how to implement this into your existing benefits package.
March 01, 2019
August 8. 2017