No More Sick Days

Around 350,000 of us will pull a sickie today. With the first Monday in February now getting a reputation as 'National Sickie Day', costing the UK economy a whooping £4.45m in lost wages, lost hours and over time.
As an employer, the health of your employees is a huge factor in your company’s overall performance.
Employees in good health can be up 3 times more motivated and productive than those in poor health. However, it is inevitable that some of your employees will be absent due to sickness and illness, with the average employee being off for 6.9 days a year.
It is virtually impossible to eradicate staff sickness entirely but with absence costing small business a significant amount per year, more action needs to be taken.
There are a number of simple solutions employers can do to help reduce long-term absence and improve return to work rates.
- Flexible working
Flexible working is a way in that your employees can work to suit their own individual needs, for example being able to work from home for a number of hours, or being allowed to tailor their working week (within agreed parameters). By allowing this type of working you can provide your staff with the flexibility to accommodate other responsibilities. Understanding your employees needs will in turn reduce absence.
Health cash plans are intended to help cover the cost of routine medical treatments for employees. Cash plans provide the facility for employees to seek early diagnosis and treatment for medical conditions without worrying about the cost, reducing the likelihood of problems developing into a serious illness and reducing recovery times.
These plans cover the top treatments responsible for employee absence, including dentistry, opticians and complementary therapies.
A small company funded contribution from as little as £1 per week per employee ensures employees are covered for everyday health expenses.
With health cash plans to suit all personal circumstances it is worth talking through the options and talking specifically about the needs and issues of each workforce. Excellect can help ensure the right cash plan is set up for you and your staff.
Excellect are also able to provide health and wellness incentives and initiatives such as;
- Fitness classes
- Gym sessions
- Workshops
- Team Building Events / Boot Camps
- Therapies
- Healthy food incentives, such as fruit baskets
Companies that provide these benefits tend to have higher employee retention levels, and lower absence levels, due to employees feeling less stressed they are therefore more motivated, productive and generally happier and healthier.
Companies that provide Private medical insurance will experience less absence with a quicker recovery rate, less disruption to your business, an increase in staff morale, motivation and productivity therefore ultimately improving the success of your company.
There are many policies available, and the best one for your business will depend on your individual business need. Excellect can help you look through the various schemes that are available.
If you feel this may be beneficial for you and your staff, or you just want to talk through the packages we provide, please give us a call.

March 28, 2017
March 3, 2017
January 31, 2017