Staying Healthy At Work

There is always one- that last chocolate left in the box, the chocolate that no one ever wants. The last chocolate that signifies that those new year resolutions now have to really find a place in your already busy lifestyle, and that you have well and truly welcomed the world of work back into your life after the fun and festivities of Christmas.
A new year, new promises, a new healthy you, so how are you meant to find the time to stay healthy while spending 40 + hours a week in front of a computer screen?
Here are some easy ideas to help kick start those resolutions and bring a new healthy you for the next 12 months.
Eat a well-balanced lunch
This sounds simple enough, but if you are anything like me and gets easily bored with the same old rabbit food, then we are all doing this wrong. This does not have to be boring – variety is the key, keeping it different every day will ensure that this stays as a healthy lifestyle choice. Preparing your lunches the night before will ensure you are not rushing around and will stop you grabbing that easy quick fix snack.
Exercise regularly

Okay so getting your yoga mat out in the middle of the office is not very practical, but try walking or cycling to and/or from work. If this is not possible, try getting off the bus a stop early and having a brisk walk into work. Whichever way you chose to do it -Just by putting aside 30 minutes of your day to raising your heart rate will ensure you release endorphin's and burn off those unwanted calories.
Limit your caffeine intake.
Yes, we all love our coffee, (and this is a particularly hard one to break here in the Excellect office as we have a coffee machine postioned very close to our desks) but just by reducing your caffeine intake will help towards a better night’s sleep, can aid in weight loss, you’ll have more energy and will find yourself less stressed in the long-term. Try swapping some of your daily cups of coffee for water or a cup of herbal tea. If giving up coffee is a big no no then why not try cutting down those calories in your coffee by limiting your milk and sugar intake.
Increase your water intake

Snack a lot while at work? Finding it hard to resist those naughty treats your fellow workers bring in? Try drinking a glass of water instead, with a slice of lemon. When you start fancying that snack you may just need a drink, Keeping hydrated at work will not only boost your concentration and productivity you are promoting weight loss and improving that immune system. Who knew?
Get enough sleep
This is an easy one- get to bed earlier. Having a regular sleep pattern will not only boost your memory, concentration levels, and general well-being, you are also going to be a more generally happy person. Cutting down that caffeine intake will also help towards a good night’s sleep.
It truly is that simple, by following these 5 simple tips will help you on your way to achieving a good balance between being healthy and being in the workplace. So give it ago - it is still January after all!